Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Family Fun

On a happier note, last weekend we traveled to Nashville to celebrate my cousin's high school graduation. He graduated from the same all boy's school that my hot hubby did, so it was neat to go stroll run through the rain around campus and show Eli point to places from inside the dry, hot building where his daddy went to school and was an all-star basketball player.

( my mom first tried to hide behind that cute boy, but I made her show her face!)

Cousin Neil a.k.a. the big graduate                                        Cousin Kaitlin a.k.a. gorgeous girl

1 comment:

  1. Love the new pictures. Eli is so handsome.

    I remember when Joshua got his first shots, my sister and mom stayed in the room, and I left. I totally understand about your heart being outside your body! Believe it or not, the shots get easier to handle...especially the third time around!
