Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint.

Matthew and I have started a new devotional that we do at home. We decided we needed to be doing something a little more than our regular go-to-church routine, so we bought a book that we thought would encourage us in our daily walk with God. Having Eli has really helped us strive to be better Christians. Just like the title says's not a sprint. Matth and I falter DAILY (like every minute).
So our latest chapter encouraged the two of us to discuss our goals for our family, and we broke them down into categories.

Family: One TV-less night a week (Do I really need to watch Housewives of New Jersey again? NO!)
             Eat dinner at the TABLE 3 nights a week (We want to do this every night when Eli is older, but right now, he has to be held...while you stand...remember?)

Home: Complete backyard landscaping by Fall
            Finish our living room (It has been two whole years this November)

Leisure: Plan big vacation for next Summer (We skipped it this year with a newborn)
              We each need to go out and do something without Eli at least once a month (eat with friends, fish, whatever)

Health: Eat a healthy meal 2 times a week (easy for me...not for Matth-he likes meat, and butter, and fat)
             P90x every other night (has been sitting in our car since we borrowed the dvd)

Spiritual: Me- Make it a conscious effort to glorify God with my everyday tasks of being a SAHM (be the best mommy I can, clean as well as I know how, have a positive attitude about it...)
                Matth- Work harder to be the spiritual leader in our home
                Us- pray TOGETHER (not just before meals)
                       Go to church on Wednesday nights again (much harder now with a baby and no real class for him)

Financial: Us- Save, save, save
                       Continue to contribute to Eli's college fund on a monthly basis

So, that's it. There they are.  Now you can hold us accountable. You can see me and ask, "How's that P90x going? And I can tell you that it's STILL sitting where we left it. I know we won't succeed at all of these all the time, but we are going to make an effort.

Anyway, here's my little rolly-polly when almost a month ago. He's even better at rolling around now, and is starting to "crawl" across the room. I'll have to get a video of that and post it soon.

P.S. Eli slept through the night for the first time in a LONG months and months!! Very excited...even if he decided it was time to greet the day at 6 this morning. I'll take what I can get!

Do you have any good devos/books to recommend?


  1. is this devotional from a book? i'd love to do this with jason! those are great goals and i'm sure you will achieve them! yay for eli sleeping through the night! :)

  2. So glad you are getting some sleep Jane!! I read an awesome book a few months ago called Redeeming Love. It's an ooey gooey love story based on Hosea. Could not put it down! Someone just gave me another book called Crazy Love - haven't started it yet but they told me it was amazing and all about falling in love with Jesus.

  3. he is soo big! so glad to hear that he is sleeping better! i will second Crazy Love... it is the most convicting, amazing book i have read so far :)
