Thursday, March 10, 2011

Embracing my 28th.

On February 14th, the day of love, my husband was out of town for work. Luckily, he was only gone for one day, so I hung out with my littlest Valentine all day and we decorated the house. We got a few surprises along the way. First, flowers were delivered to the house, The note told me to look on our bookcase. There, I found a love letter and a prayer Matthew had written for our family. That letter also told me to check out the tv stand for my third surprise. There I found a little bag filled with a certificate for an hour massage, manicure, and pedicure. Needless to say, because we never do flowers or spa days, I felt very spoiled. Eli and I didn't do anything as extravagant, but we decorated the house with homemade hearts and made dinner and cards for when he got home.
The next day was my 28th birthday. I get spoiled for two days in a row every's quite nice. Eli and I happened to be pretty ill, so we didn't go enjoy the spa day or out to eat like we had planned.. Instead, Matthew cooked noodle soup, brought me spoonfuls of nyquil, and then we devoured these...

Gourmet cupcakes from a local bakery in town. I'm not a big cake fan, but I had told matthew I wanted to try these for weeks. I couldn't taste them that night, but a few days later, I finished them off and they were pretty good...for cake.
Last, we opened gifts. I got a new lens for my camera, which is amazing. It's the 50mm 1.4, and it pretty much makes everything really blurry in the background. I love it.

My in laws were in town that weekend, and my MIL was pretty much in hiding all weekend. She kept sneaking off to my sister-in-laws, the mall, running errands, and all the while making up not very good excuses for these outings. I knew she was working on a birthday gift, but didn't really know what. Turns out, she was scrapbooking her heart out. I got this album of my husband, from birth through middle school...she says she'll have to finish it someday.
Around midnight, I got to open my gift and saw this senior picture stud in front of me.
Me with the in-laws admiring that eighteen year old. Ignore my p.j.'s.
Me with the stud, ten years later.

Close up of that baby bullfrog. He had the biggest eyes and mouth I've ever seen. My baby definitely got his mouth from his daddy.

It was such a thoughtful gift, and I loved looking back at all his baby pictures to see any resemblances in my own baby. She even brought this baby calendar she had with all his important milestones and weights marked in it. It's fun to compare with Eli to see how that match up. Especially since my milestones are all based on my mom's memories, which are vague. :) So, this is my embracing the camera for today. Me in my pajamas at midnight turning the old age of 28.

For more info on embracing the camera, visit

1 comment:

  1. Happy 28th Jane! It sounds like you had a great month with Vday and birthday wishes. And way to go Nadine! I think her gift is one of the best--made with love.
